woensdag 18 juli 2012

5 Questions

en mijn antwoorden ..., and my answers ...

'Behind the Scenes', eCourse by Kim and Xanthe

24 opmerkingen:

  1. Love the layout and font! so cute!

  2. Lovely i would love to go to Provence , the smell of Lavender......

  3. I love your creative paper for your answers...great job!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  4. Great list and I love the way you presented it!

  5. Bedankt voor het bezoekje!
    Lijnjes, ruitjes... als't maar om op te schrijven is :-)) Erg leuk gedaan! Very nicely done.
    Ook Provence liefhebbers? Dit jaar is voor het eerst in lange, lange tijd dat we er niet naartoe gaan in de vakantie - ik zit liever in de regen :-))
    Hier schijnt het zonnetje nu ook, al dacht ik vanmorgen "dat wordt weer niks", alles zag grijs.

  6. What a pretty way to present your answers. I enjoyed my visit. :)

  7. Leuke antwoorden Sylvia, maar natuurlik ben ik het met je eens van de Provence, alleen jammer dat we nog moeten werken, haha.

    Groetjes Janny

  8. Leuk om iets meer over je te weten .Ik moet wel zeggen dat ik nooit mee doe aan vragen lijstjes en dergelijke ,maar vind het wel leuk om bij anderen te lezen .Erg he!!!
    Lieve groetjes Elisabeth

  9. What a lovely colorful list, Sylvia! I am sure you'd love Provence, especially in late spring, early summer. :)

  10. Wat een leuk vragen lijstje! En leuke antwoorden ook.
    Groetjes Antoinette

  11. Having time to create is a wonderful thing.

  12. Having time to create maqkes me happy too. So many things to be happy about!
    Love your bear!

  13. Ahhh, Sylvia! Love your answers. France. How did I leave that off my list?


  14. I agree that the presentation of your answers is lovely, as is your blog header! I could definitely handle a creative retreat in Provence, France... :)

    Thanks so much for sharing with us!

    P.S. What a sweet photo of your kitty...

  15. Great header and i think your presentation of your list was very cool.

  16. I'm going to take a look at the design book you recommend. That photo of your cat is delightful!

  17. hello lovely..... such a beautiful list....so perfectly presented.....
    so much love to you!

    xo, Kim

  18. What a cute post Sylvia! I wish I had more time for creativeness too. I need to retire ~ or win the lottery. :)

    WIshing you a beautiful weekend friend!
    xo Catherine

  19. I like how you posted your answers – with that bit of tape – so cool!

    Your favorite movie is on my list of movies to see! I was recently at a restaurant featuring only Kevin Costner Movies (the walls were covered in movie props/clothing/posters from all of Kevin Costner movies). I walked around looking at the items from the movies that I’ve seen and jotting down the names of the movies that haven’t yet (I didn’t know that he made so many movies).

  20. Oh these lists are such fun and I love the way you've presented this one. Provence would be my choice too. :)
