dinsdag 5 maart 2013


Texture Tuesday ... The Free & Easy eDition

with Kim's texture '1402magic'

Primula (sleutelbloemen)
en een oud schoolboek in de poolse taal ...

and an old school book in Polish language ...

Voor Beyond Beyond ... From Above
met texturen 'havana' and 'anna'
Anemonen, een oude paaskaart
en chocolade eitjes ...

For Beyond Beyond ... From Above
with textures 'havana' en 'anna'
Anemones, a vintage Easter card
and chocolate eggs ...

Zonnig lenteweertje hier vandaag :-)
Fijne week,

Sunny spring-like weather here today :-)
Nice week,


17 opmerkingen:

  1. So pretty, I love primroses - perfect for spring and that blue is gorgeous on your second image.

  2. Oh, so springy and pretty...I like the blue flowers and chocolate eggs ... it looks like an Easter card in and of itself!

  3. Primroses were one of my grandmothers favorite flowers. She's no longer with us but whenever I see them I think of her.

  4. Wow what pretty images! I love anemones, they are so lovely :-)
    How great the weather is nice like spring there. It's raining and cold here, but your images made me feel like it's spring already :-)

  5. primroses yay! they're out here too, nestling in the hedgerows and sheltered places.
    A beautiful day here today, I spent time with Bruce, did some gardening and milked my friend's goats...and everything feels springlike and happy.
    have a happy week Sylvia

  6. Prachtige foto`s,het was echt genieten vandaag in het zonnetje,lieve groet Musje.

  7. Mooi gedaan weer hoor!...ja heerlijk we hebben allemaal de lente kriebels......liefs van mij...xxx..

  8. Wat een leuke foto's, lekker voorjaarsachtig!

    Groetjes Janny

  9. Lovely primroses... I created my first ever textured image today and shared over at Kim’s as well…

  10. Such happy pretty flowers Sylvia! We have lots of snow. Too much. I need spring!
    xo Catherine

  11. Dear Sylvia,

    a really sign of spring...primeroses in every shop , I love it...very nice pictures, love the colours & textures,

    have a great week ,


  12. Those are pretty anemones - I've never seen that soft mauve colour before. Very springy, Easter theme!

  13. Wonderful flowers,springtime is comming.
    Your blog is so nice,and your bear in your sidebare is soooo cute ;0),
    love it.I come back.Happy greetings from germany,Ulli

  14. So very pretty, Sylvia! :)
    Happy International Women’s Day!
    Have a lovely Friday. xo

  15. Passei para uma visitinha.
    Que delicadeza!

    Boa semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.
