zondag 15 april 2018

From the kitchen garden

On my Flickr Photostream
Flat Lay / Knolling by the Calendar
April 14th - Gardening Day

Seedlings ready to be transplanted ...


Zaailingen klaar om te verplanten ...

Met het mooie weer de laatste dagen
hebben we veel getuinierd ...


With the beautiful days we've had
we spent a lot of time gardening...

Geniet nog van de zondag,
Enjoy your Sunday,

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh how lovely Sylvia. Your garden tools give hope to the rest of us that are awaiting spring. It is slow in coming this year. Enjoy your time in the garden.

  2. Sylvia, your warm spring weather is ahead of ours...we keep getting these "snow days" even after Spring officially arrived (one again tomorrow). Your little seedlings are so sweet, and I'm eager to get in the flower beds with some of my own. Happy Spring planting to you. I'm sure we'll be seeing the products they produce in your upcoming photography and beautiful stills. Happy Spring dear Sylvia!

  3. Heerlijk hé Sylvia, je hart maakt gewoon sprongetjes als de
    temperaturen weer zo aangenaam worden. Bij uitstek een
    weertype om heerlijk in de aarde te wroeten. Leuk alle
    zaailingen die je laat zien, is het allemaal groenten
    of zijn het zomerbloeiers. Dacht dat ik een slaplantje zag
    op de foto. Prachtige sfeer op je foto's, en sinaasapppeltijm
    lijkt me heerlijk.

    Geniet van een heerlijke zomerweek,

    Lieve groet,

  4. Such delightful images with beautiful plants! And dirt looks so beautiful, too! Glad you are having nice days. It was very hot on Saturday and got very chilly on Sunday here. Still, trees are getting nicely green :-)
    Have a lovely new week, Sylvia!

  5. It looks like spring! I can almost smell the dirt. :) I have yet to be able to get out and dig in the dirt here with our crazy weather. I am so looking forward to it. Have a great week!

  6. Fijne week...ja het is heerlijk weer.....liefs Ria x 💜

  7. Beautiful moment.Enjoy your time in the garden. Have a happy week Sylvie.

  8. Beautiful moment.Enjoy your time in the garden. Have a happy week Sylvie.
